Fighting for an equitable and strong Duluth is who I am and what we do, and I will continue to do this as your State Representative.
Every person in Duluth deserves to be housed, to feel safe and secure, to count on clean air and drinking water, affordable access to healthcare, livable wage and meaningful jobs, and to live a life where all our neighbors can thrive.
More than 580,000 Minnesotan households pay more than 30% of their income towards their housing, which doesn’t leave enough money for necessities. Stable housing is critical to the development of children and the ability of workers to hold jobs.
As a lifelong Minnesotan, I proudly practice traditional ways with deer hunting, fishing, and harvesting wild rice with my family. Every spring, I walk with my Indigenous relatives from St Louis River Corridor to Lake Superior, where we sing songs to the land, water, air, and people of Misaabekong, to honor the people and place of the past, those living in the present, and those dreaming the future. Protecting the earth our home is core to my being.
Education is how we build our future. And lifelong learning is the path to a healthier, happier, and more prosperous future. Yet state decisions over the last two decades have pushed funding public education onto local communities in harmful ways, perpetuating opportunity gaps based on a child’s zip code, race, gender, and ability.
Everyone should feel safe and secure, regardless of race, gender, or geography. We need a stronger care and emergency response infrastructure to protect families and help them meet their caregiving needs.
We must take a holistic approach to workforce development and to growing our economy. This means bolstering early childcare and education, supporting local entrepreneurship at all stages, building sustainable, resilient infrastructure, expanding arts and entertainment, and strengthening worker protections. As the only person in my family to have an MBA, I know that economic development is truly all about people.
Healthcare is a basic human right and access to high-quality, affordable, comprehensive health care shouldn’t depend on your race, gender, ability, income, or what zip code you live in.

As your state legislator, I will keep using our collective power to harness local, grassroots effort to directly influence, write, and shape both local and statewide policy to drive home new systems of care through community-led and community-centered solutions.