Caring for our Community

Everyone should feel safe and secure, regardless of race, gender, or geography. We need a stronger care and emergency response infrastructure to protect families and help them meet their caregiving needs.

We can create a Minnesota that is a place where freedom and community are for everyone, no exceptions.This means safety for our children in their schools, safety for our families in our communities, and the freedom to be able to work, live, and take care of the ones we love. We have  a responsibility to address the health and well-being of all our neighbors and it must be prioritized.

Here’s what I’ll fight for as your state legislator:

  • Increased funding for mental health services in our schools and for adults in our communities, for drug treatment, and for homelessness and affordable housing so we are not criminalizing poverty.

  • Community-centered and led public safety initiatives focused on prevention and prioritizes supporting the experience of those most impacted.

  • Support victim-survivors of gun violence, domestic abuse, sexual assault, and gender-based violence through program development, funding initiatives, and ensuring our public safety initiatives center them.

  • Accessible, affordable, quality child for all through vouchers, stipends, or on-site childcare benefit options, and investing in better pay for early childcare workers who take care of our children and make sure they are safe.

  • I support paid family leave for every Minnesotan. As a public servant, I’ve seen the impact that one person’s health can have on a family. It’s wrong to make workers choose between their livelihood and their health. I will fight for creating safer and healthier communities by making family leave universal.